Infection Control and Deep Cleaning
As the UK’s current leader in hygiene cleaning and infection control, we have gained the necessary experience and expertise to guarantee an infection-free workplace. We have received all of the necessary licenses to ensure that we are capable of preventing future outbreaks.
We constantly review our methods, equipment and chemicals in order to guarantee the effectiveness of our operation.
What is E. coli?
E. coli is short for Escherichia coli – a bacterium that exists in the gut of all humans and animals which can cause severe cramps and diarrhoea. Some strains are capable of producing toxins that are very harmful to humans. E. coli infections are much more prominent during the summer months. The symptoms are worse in the young and old as well as in people who currently have another illness.
People who are infected with E. coli are very contagious. E. coli causes a very dangerous infection which is capable of spreading rapidly. We recommended specialist infection cleaning at the focal point of the outbreak in order to contain and eliminate the possibility of the bacterium spreading.
C.Difficile – Clostridium Difficile
What is it?
Commonly found in the gut humans and animals, C. Difficile is a spore-forming bacterium. It is also frequently referred to as C.diff or C.difficile. From time to time, C.diff reproduces rapidly, causing serious diarrhoea in a persons currently being treated with antibiotics,
What are the symptoms?
Varying severity of; diarrhoea, fever, nausea and abdominal pain.
How does it spread?
It is possible for C.diff bacteria to spread between people, as those who are infected shed bacteria during episodes of diarrhoea. The bacteria can survive for an extended period of time and can be transported on the hands of people who have direct contact with contaminated surfaces or other patients infected with C.difficile.
Who’s at risk?
The elderly (65+) are those most often at risk, particularly those supplementing the good bacteria in their gut with antibiotic treatments. C.diff is capable of forming heat-resistant spores. Because of this, cleaning with hot water and non-hygienic cleaner may not effectively defeat the bacteria. The bacteria are capable of thriving on virtually all surfaces, particularly those in nursing homes or hospital, for extended periods of time. While babies are able to carry and transfer the bacteria to others, it rarely causes them any medical problems.
Quality cleaning practices and adherence to strict hygiene practices in hospitals can assist in preventing contamination of equipment and facility personnel by bacteria and other spores.
Swine Flu
The contemporary swine flu virus is capable of spreading in similar fashion to seasonal influenza (flu). Examples of dispersion methods include coughs and sneezes. Moisture drops from a singe cough or sneeze originating in a person infected by swine flu are cable of traveling in the air before being inhaled by an another individual or landing on a surface. Those who come into contact with moisture droplets carrying the swine flu virus can then pass on the swine flu virus to others.
The swine flu is a respiratory disease that an trace its origins back to pigs. Currently, there is no evidence of the disease being circulated in pigs within the UK. Scientists are in the process of investigating its origins.
Swine flu outbreaks have been reported in a variety of countries and is capable of spreading from human to human, creating the possibility of a pandemic flu outbreak.
A pandemic flu differs from ordinary flu infections because of the relative newness of the flu virus and its ability to spread very quickly between persons worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to closely monitor individual cases of swine flu across the global in order to determine whether the virus is developing into a global pandemic.
Due to the fact that it is a relatively new virus, no one will have inherent immunity to it. Everyone will be at risk of infection. This will include normal, healthy adults in addition to the elderly, the young and those with pre-existing medical conditions.
Flu viruses consist of microscopic particles that can travel within the moisture droplets that are released from the nose and mouth during a cough or sneeze.
When an individual coughs or sneezes and does not cover their nose or mouth, those droplets can quickly spread to others via inhalation.
If you cough or sneeze directly into your hand or a cloth, the aforementioned droplets and germs inside of them can easily spread from the hand to hard surfaces being touched. They are capable of living on these surfaces for an extended period of time.
Common items such as door or cabinet handles, keyboards, mobile and household phones as well as the television remote control are each a common surface on which flu viruses can inhabit.
When other individuals touch these surfaces and then proceed to make contact with their faces, germs can enter their internal systems and produce an infection. This is a relatively standard method for all germs and virus to travel from one individual to another.
The best method you can use to protect yourself is to consistently follow quality hygiene methods. These daily practices will assist in slowing the spread of any virus and will ultimately become the single most important thing you can do to defend yourself and others from possible infection.
If you cough or sneeze it is extremely important to adhere to the ground rules of good hygiene in order to prevent the possible spread of germs.
Always carry disinfectant wipes or tissues.
Use new, clean tissues to fully cover the mouth and nose during a cough or sneeze.
Bin all wipes and tissues after a single use.
Always wash your hands with a disinfectant soap and hot water or with a sanitiser gel.
A simple phrase to help you remember:
If you are concerned that your school, hospital or place of work is infected, don’t hesitate to call us. We are ready to undertake hygienic cleaning anywhere in the UK . Free phone 0808 2318 839.
MRSA is a common skin bacterium. The acronym stands for “meticillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.” It is sometimes known as a “super bug.” MRSA is completely resistant to a wide array of antibiotics, including meticillin, a variation of the penicillin antibiotic.
How is MRSA spread?
MRSA typically spreads via direct skin-on-skin interaction from person to person. MRSA is, unfortunately, found often in hospitals. Transmission can also occur when coming into contact with clothes, sheets, towels, wound dressings, etc., that may have been used by an individual carrying MRSA.
Methods of preventing the spread of MRSA .
- Wash your hands frequently. You should always use an alcohol-based hand wash when entering and departing a hospital.
- All cuts should be clothed in a waterproof dressing.
- When coming into contact with a person carrying MRSA, you should wear gloves.
- Avoid sharing face cloths, towels, etc. with individuals who have MRSA.
MRSA will survive for extended periods of time on most fabrics and surfaces, making it very hard to contain and difficult to disinfect. MRSA can quickly lead to infections and other diseases if left untreated. Therefore, it is vital that MRSA is rapidly and effectively destroyed as soon as possible.
Norovirus is the most commonly occurring cause for diarrhea and vomiting (acute gastroenteritis) in the UK. People typically recover within 2-3 days; there are no detectable lasting effects. Developed immunity is typically brief, allowing infections can occur at any age Norovirus will thrive on a variety of hard surfaces, including sinks, toilets, door knobs, telephones and computer keyboards.
Norovirus is highly infectious. Therefore, if you are afflicted with uncomfortable gastrointestinal sy¬mptoms, you should not travel to hospitals or schools as this can increase the risk of spreading your infection.
Focused attention on quality hygiene practices, thorough cleaning, detergent and disinfection should always be undertaken during outbreaks. It is extremely important to wash both hands using disinfectant soap and hot water following contact with an individual who is ill as well as after toilet use, especially if you are currently experiencing symptoms.
Outbreaks of gastroenteritis occur frequently in contained environments such as nursing homes, hospitals, schools and traveling cruise ships. When outbreak occurs, it is typically necessary to isolate affected areas in order to contain the spread.
Our services
The Ideal Group specialist hygiene sanitation and disinfectant services will help to significantly reduce the risk of infections and promote quality hygiene standards in hospitals and schools. Our powerful sanitization methods incorporate highly advanced cleaning tools and are compatible with local authorities as well as NHS Infection Control Guidelines.
Our trained, professional hygiene cleaners are employable across the UK, 24 hours a day. They will respond rapidly to a wide variety of urgent cleaning tasks.
We look forward to being of service – please call us on 0808 2318 839 or get in touch online.